The history of the excimer laser

Created at Aug 27, 2009 00:06:52
Updated at Apr 27, 2024 13:16:41 
827   0   0   0  

The excimer laser, born out of the innovative labs of IBM in 1976, initially served as a tool for etching computer microchips. However, its exceptional precision and minimal collateral damage soon caught the attention of pioneers seeking new applications. In 1983, Dr. Stephen L. Trokel, alongside physicist R. Srinivasa, ventured into uncharted territory by applying this groundbreaking technology to corneal tissue within the confines of a New York laboratory.

The excimer laser’s maiden voyage into ophthalmology marked a pivotal moment in medical history. It wasn't until January of 1987, at LSU, that the first human eye beheld its transformative power. The journey from laboratory experimentation to practical application was arduous, spanning nearly a decade from 1987 to 1995. During this time, prominent laser manufacturers like VISX and Summit Technology dedicated their efforts to securing U.S. approval for utilizing the Argon Fluoride excimer laser.

This remarkable journey underscores the profound impact of innovation and collaboration in pushing the boundaries of technology. From its humble origins in microchip etching to revolutionizing ophthalmic surgery, the excimer laser stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Tags: Excimer Laser Innovation Laser Technology Medical History Ophthalmology Precision Technology Share on Facebook Share on X

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