It is difficult to discover what actually causes cancer from one person to another, but researchers have discovered several factors that increase a woman’s likelihood of developing ovarian cancer. Some risk factors for ovarian cancer include: -
Most ovarian cancers develop after age 65 -
Prolonged use of the fertility drug clomiphene citrate -
Women who started menstruating before age 12, had no children, or had their first child after age 30, and/or experienced menopause after age 50 -
Not eating enough fruits, vegetables, whole grain products and eating more high-fat foods, especially those from animal sources -
Women whose mother, sister or daughter have, or have had, ovarian cancer, especially if they developed ovarian cancer at a young age -
Having breast cancer -
Talcum powder applied to the genital area or on sanitary napkins may be carcinogenic to the ovaries Tags: Ovarian Cancer Ovarian Cancer Risk Factors