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Table of International Country Code, Time Zones, And Dialing prefix lookup  

created at Nov 24, 2010   475  
Here's the information for international country code, time zones, and dialing prefix. CountryCountry AbbreviationCalling CodeTime ZoneAlbaniaAL355Europe / TiraneAndorraAD376Europe / AndorraArgentinaAR54America / Argentina / Buenos_AiresArmeniaAM374Asi...

The simplest and most reliable application or method for editing digital photo EXIF data  

created at Aug 25, 2009   400  
I got following question from somebody.I have a photo that was taken in 2006 and for some reason the EXIF 'date taken' value has been modified to a date in 2011. Being a Virgo I need order, and this goes to the extent of having ALL of my photos correctly s...