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What are the risk factors for head and neck cancers?  

created at May 09, 2009   149  
Risk factors for head and neck cancers include tobacco use (smoking and smokeless tobacco),excessive alcohol consumption,human papillomavirus (HPV) infection,particularly HPV16 and 18,exposure to certain occupational hazards like asbestos,wood dust,and cer...
What are the risk factors for head and neck cancers?

The Looming Threat: Stomach Cancer and its Ties to Tobacco and Alcohol Abuse  

created at May 04, 2009   116  
Stomach cancer,a significant global health concern,is strongly linked to both tobacco and alcohol abuse.Smoking damages the stomach lining,increasing the risk of inflammation and precancerous changes,while excessive alcohol consumption irritates the stomac...
The Looming Threat: Stomach Cancer and its Ties to Tobacco and Alcohol Abuse

What kind of effects do tobacco smoke and other irritants have on the sinuses?  

created at May 08, 2009   83  
Tobacco smoke and various other irritants may cause worsening of symptoms. Those irritants include auto exhaust, gasoline fumes, paint fumes, perfume, roach spray and household chemicals such as bleach, etc. Cigarette smoke paralyzes the tiny hairs (cilia)...