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Adornments That Distract: Using Jewelry to Minimize Acne  

created at May 03, 2009   198  
While jewelry itself doesn't directly cause acne,certain types can exacerbate existing breakouts or contribute to new ones.Heavy necklaces and earrings can rub against the skin,causing irritation and inflammation,potentially leading to acne lesions.Similar...

Deciphering Your Baby's Rash: Is it Scabies or Something Else?  

created at May 13, 2009   373  
Baby rashes can stem from various causes,including common irritants like detergents or drool,viral infections like roseola or hand,foot,and mouth disease,allergic reactions to foods or substances,or even diaper rash.Determining the cause requires observing...
Deciphering Your Baby's Rash: Is it Scabies or Something Else?

Psoriasis or Eczema - Deciphering Your Baby's Skin Woes  

created at May 13, 2009   150  
Distinguishing between psoriasis and eczema in babies can be challenging,as both cause itchy,inflamed skin.Eczema (atopic dermatitis) typically presents with intensely itchy,red,dry patches,often in the creases of elbows and knees,and may weep or crust.Pso...
Psoriasis or Eczema - Deciphering Your Baby's Skin Woes

Unraveling the Enigma: Understanding the Causes of Eczema  

created at May 11, 2009   161  
Eczema,or atopic dermatitis,arises from a complex interplay of genetic predisposition and environmental triggers.A compromised skin barrier,allowing irritants and allergens to penetrate more easily,is a key factor.Genetic variations affecting immune system...
Unraveling the Enigma: Understanding the Causes of Eczema

Unveiling the Culprit - Allergens in Makeup and How to Navigate Them  

created at Oct 27, 2009   431  
Makeup can contain a variety of allergens,including fragrances,preservatives (like parabens and formaldehyde),certain dyes,and ingredients derived from plants like nuts or soy.Navigating these allergens requires careful label reading,looking for terms like...
Unveiling the Culprit - Allergens in Makeup and How to Navigate Them

Dipping Safely: Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Swimmer's Itch  

created at May 11, 2009   264  
Preventing and reducing swimmer's itch involves avoiding swimming in contaminated waters,particularly lakes and ponds known to have snails that harbor the parasite.Showering immediately after swimming helps wash away any larvae before they penetrate the sk...
Dipping Safely: Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Swimmer's Itch

Understanding Swimmer's Itch: A Seasonal Skin Woe  

created at May 11, 2009   217  
Swimmer's itch, scientifically known as schistosome cercarial dermatitis, emerges as a skin irritation resulting from the invasion of the epidermal layer by the larval stage of certain flatworms. This condition often catches swimmers by surprise, turning a...
Understanding Swimmer's Itch: A Seasonal Skin Woe

Unraveling the Avian Connection: Tracing Swimmer's Itch to Bird Hosts  

created at May 11, 2009   185  
Determining which birds carry schistosomes responsible for swimmer's itch involves a meticulous scientific process. Here's a glimpse into the methods used to identify and understand the avian hosts:1. Miracidia Hatching from Feces: Birds are checked for av...

Decoding the Itchy Enigma: Understanding Your Baby's Scaly Red Patches  

created at May 11, 2009   140  
If you've noticed scaly red patches on your baby's skin, accompanied by intense itching, you might be dealing with a common culprit—eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis. This skin rash frequently makes its debut in a baby's first year, appearing on are...
Decoding the Itchy Enigma: Understanding Your Baby's Scaly Red Patches

What is psoriasis?  

created at May 13, 2009   164  
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that shows up in several forms. The two that appear most in children are: • Plaque psoriasis. This is the most common type. If your baby has a raised, red lesion covered with a flaky, silvery-white scale, he may...