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The example Turning a Negative into a Positive   (created at Feb 23, 2014)   413  

In the realm of performance reviews, the language we use can significantly impact the effectiveness of our feedback. Often, what starts as a negative remark can be reframed into a constructive and motivating statement. Let's explore how we can turn critici...
The example Turning a Negative into a Positive

The history of the Korean nation began in Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula when people started settling there 700,000 years ago   (created at Feb 18, 2024)   191  

The history of the Korean nation began in Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula when people started settling there 700,000 years ago. Representative historic sites associated with the Paleolithic Age, when people made tools of animal horns and chipped stone t...
The history of the Korean nation began in Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula when people started settling there 700,000 years ago