Itching Chickenpox Vaccine Baking soda Colloidal Oatmeal Varicella-Zoster Virus VZV


[unpublished] Unveiling the Mystery - What Are Shingles for Chicken Pox?   (created at May 13, 2009)   76  

Shingles, the enigmatic cousin of chicken pox, emerges from the same viral culprit but with a different tale to tell. As the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) strikes during childhood, its presence doesn't merely fade away with the passing of the rash. Instead,...

[unpublished] How should I treat my baby's chicken pox?   (created at May 13, 2009)   111  

Keep your baby home from daycare until all the sores have crusted over to prevent her from spreading the disease and to give her time to recuperate. Unfortunately, children are most contagious the day or two before the rash erupts, usually before parents k...