Understanding DHT: The Culprit Behind Acne Breakouts  

created at May 03, 2009   136  
DHT, short for Dihydrotestosterone, is a hormone by-product that plays a significant role in the development of acne, particularly during puberty. Here's why DHT is implicated in acne breakouts:Hormonal Influence: Both males and females produce DHT, with l...

The Whitehead Acne and Pimples  

created at May 03, 2009   98  
Acne is when a pore of the skin gets filled with something, and the body swells up around it. A whitehead is when that "something" is white pus, so that the acne pimple looks like a bubble with a white central core. Whiteheads are a very normal type of acn...
The Whitehead Acne and Pimples