Sweet Relief: The Sugar Method for Hiccup Cure!created at May 03, 2009While there's no scientific evidence supporting sugar as a hiccup cure, |
How to Treat Hives in Your Babycreated at May 11, 2009Most hives in babies are caused by a viral infection and will resolve on their own within a few days.Keep your baby hydrated and dress them in lightweight, |
Sticky Solution: The Peanut Butter Method for Instant Hiccup Relief!created at May 03, 2009Hiccups can strike at the most inconvenient times, |
Hiccup Hilarity: The Money Method for Instant Relief!created at May 03, 2009While there's no scientifically proven "money method" to instantly cure hiccups, |
Sip, created at May 03, 2009
Take Off Hiccups with the Airline Steward Methodcreated at May 03, 2009To stop hiccups using the airline steward method, |
Sip Away Hiccups with the Straw Method!created at May 03, 2009The "straw method" for curing hiccups involves taking slow, |
The Natural Hiccup Remedy: Burp Your Way to Relief!created at May 03, 2009While there's no scientifically proven "natural" cure for hiccups, |
Focus Forward: Using Visual Distraction to Halt Hiccupscreated at May 03, 2009The "Focus Forward" method for stopping hiccups uses visual distraction to interrupt the hiccuping reflex.Instead of focusing on the sensation of hiccups, |
Breathe Easy: Using Breath Control to Banish Hiccups!created at May 03, 2009Hiccups, |
Beyond the Hic: Exploring Associated Symptoms of Hiccupscreated at May 03, 2009While hiccups themselves are typically benign, |