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How to Treat Hives in Your Baby  

created at May 11, 2009   123  
Most hives in babies are caused by a viral infection and will resolve on their own within a few days.Keep your baby hydrated and dress them in lightweight,loose-fitting clothing.A cool bath or cool compress can soothe the itching.If the hives are widesprea...
How to Treat Hives in Your Baby

Dipping Safely: Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Swimmer's Itch  

created at May 11, 2009   250  
Preventing and reducing swimmer's itch involves avoiding swimming in contaminated waters,particularly lakes and ponds known to have snails that harbor the parasite.Showering immediately after swimming helps wash away any larvae before they penetrate the sk...
Dipping Safely: Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Swimmer's Itch

What should I do if the rash doesn't get better?  

created at May 11, 2009   118  
Talk with your baby's doctor or a pediatric dermatologist. If the rash doesn't get better after following the suggestions above, your doctor might suggest trying mild topical steroids, which can be bought over the counter. If the over-the-counter variety d...