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Dipping Safely: Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Swimmer's Itch  

created at May 11, 2009   191  
Preventing and reducing swimmer's itch involves avoiding swimming in contaminated waters,particularly lakes and ponds known to have snails that harbor the parasite.Showering immediately after swimming helps wash away any larvae before they penetrate the sk...
Dipping Safely: Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Swimmer's Itch

Clearing Up the Misconception: Why Washing Alone Won't Banish Acne  

created at May 03, 2009   131  
Despite popular belief, acne isn't solely caused by dirty skin. So, if you're diligently washing your face multiple times a day and still battling breakouts, you're not alone. Here's why:Limited Impact of Washing: While washing your face helps remove exces...

Banishing Lice - A Step-by-Step Guide to a Lice-Free Household  

created at May 13, 2009   106  
Dealing with lice in the household can be a stressful experience, but with the right approach, you can effectively eliminate these pesky parasites. Lice can only survive without a human host for a short period, but their nits take longer to hatch, making i...
Banishing Lice - A Step-by-Step Guide to a Lice-Free Household

How to remove attached ticks ?  

created at May 06, 2009   74  
Prompt removal of ticks decreases the chances of getting Lyme disease. The proper and easiest method is to grasp the tick with fine tweezers, as near the skin as you can, and gently pull it straight out. Be careful not to squeeze the tick when removing it ...