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12 Proven Strategies to Work Smarter, Not Harder  

updated at May 16, 2024   996  
12 ideas for how you can work more efficiently:Working smarter,not harder,is a concept that has been around for a long time.It's about finding ways to get more done in less time,without putting in more effort.Here are 12 ideas for how you can work more eff...
12 Proven Strategies to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Debunking the Myth: The Relationship Between Stress and Acne  

created at May 03, 2009   112  
The idea that stress causes acne is a popular belief, but is there any truth to it? Let's separate fact from fiction:Physiological Effects of Stress: Stress can indeed have various physiological effects on the body, including changes in hormone levels. The...

The negative health consequences of wearing high heels  

created at Aug 28, 2009   86  
High heels basically mess up your center of gravity. They cause your hips to tilt forward which is not natural and messes up the alignment of our body causes increases in sprained ankles, ankle stress, knee and hip stress from the misalignment. High heels ...