What can I do to detect it?  

created at May 04, 2009   146  
Most health problems respond best to treatment when they are diagnosed and treated as early as possible. This is especially true of colorectal cancer. Treatment is most effective before the disease spreads. People can take an active role in the early detec...

The risk factors for developing colorectal cancer?  

created at May 04, 2009   71  
Some people are more likely to develop colorectal cancer than others. Studies have found that certain factors increase a person’s risk. The following are risk factors for this disease: Polyps – Most (perhaps all) colorectal cancers develop in polyps. Pol...

How do I prevent colon-rectal (colorectal) cancer?  

created at May 04, 2009   76  
Although colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States, scientists are trying to learn more about what causes the disease and how it can be prevented. Doctors do not yet know why one person gets colorectal cancer and anot...
How do I prevent colon-rectal (colorectal) cancer?