Understanding the Impact of a Deviated Septum on Sinusitiscreated at May 08, 2009A deviated septum,a displacement of the nasal septum from the midline,can contribute to sinusitis by obstructing airflow and drainage in the nasal passages.This obstruction can create areas of trapped mucus,leading to inflammation and infection in the sinu... |
Unveiling the Importance of Cilia in Respiratory Healthcreated at May 08, 2009Cilia, the small hair-like structures lining the respiratory tract, play a vital role in maintaining respiratory health by facilitating the movement of mucus. Here's a closer look at the significance of cilia:Mucus Clearance: Cilia beat in a coordinated, w... |
Exploring Sinus Dysfunction: Factors Affecting Ciliary Functioncreated at May 07, 2009Understanding why cilia may fail to move mucus out of the sinuses sheds light on the complexities of sinus dysfunction. Here's what you need to know:Loss of Ciliary FunctionDuring the early stages of a sinus infection, inflammation and swelling can impair ... |
Understanding Sinus Drainage: The Role of Ciliacreated at May 07, 2009Sinus drainage plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy sinus function and preventing sinus infections. Here's how it works:Ciliary ActionTiny hair-like structures called cilia line the surface of the sinuses. These cilia beat in coordinated waves, akin... |
What is done if I have to have sinus surgery?created at May 08, 2009You should first understand that I am not a surgeon, so this is from the perspective of someone who has seen the surgery, and had the surgery done, but who doesn't do the surgery himself. The surgery, called functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), may ... |
What kind of effects do tobacco smoke and other irritants have on the sinuses?created at May 08, 2009Tobacco smoke and various other irritants may cause worsening of symptoms. Those irritants include auto exhaust, gasoline fumes, paint fumes, perfume, roach spray and household chemicals such as bleach, etc. Cigarette smoke paralyzes the tiny hairs (cilia)... |
Why do we have sinuses?created at May 06, 2009The sinuses are air pockets located inside the bones in the skull. They are located to either side of the nose (maxillary), behind and in between the eyes (ethmoid), in the forehead (frontal), and there is one much further back in the head (sphenoid). (For... |