Navigating Ovarian Cancer Treatment - Key Questions to Ask Your Doctorcreated at May 05, 2009Ovarian cancer treatment depends on the stage,type,and grade of the cancer,as well as the patient's overall health.Treatment options typically include surgery to remove as much cancerous tissue as possible,followed by chemotherapy,often using a combination... |
Unveiling the Culprits: Understanding the Causes of Sinusitiscreated at May 06, 2009Sinusitis, a common condition characterized by inflammation of the sinuses, can be triggered by various factors. Here's a closer look at what causes sinusitis and how it develops:1. Blockage of Sinus Openings: Sinusitis often begins with the blockage of th... |
The Healing Power of Warm Salt Water: Understanding Its Benefits after Oral Surgerycreated at May 26, 2009After undergoing oral surgery, rinsing with warm salt water is often recommended by dentists and oral surgeons. But why exactly does this simple solution offer such relief? Let's delve into the science behind it:Principle of OsmosisRinsing with salt water ... |
Understanding Sinus Drainage: The Role of Ciliacreated at May 07, 2009Sinus drainage plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy sinus function and preventing sinus infections. Here's how it works:Ciliary ActionTiny hair-like structures called cilia line the surface of the sinuses. These cilia beat in coordinated waves, akin... |
Understanding Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Comprehensive Overviewcreated at May 26, 2009Oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS) is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions affecting the head, neck, face, jaws, and oral cavity. Here's an in-depth look at what OMS entails:Scope of Practic... |
Chemotherapy for Colorectal Cancercreated at May 04, 2009Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is sometimes given after surgery for colorectal cancer to try to prevent the disease from recurring, or coming back. This additional treatment is called adjuvant therapy. The doctor may us... |
How do I prevent colon-rectal (colorectal) cancer?created at May 04, 2009Although colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States, scientists are trying to learn more about what causes the disease and how it can be prevented. Doctors do not yet know why one person gets colorectal cancer and anot... |