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Who is a candidate for cataract surgery?  

created at Nov 18, 2009   98  
A candidate for cataract surgery is typically an individual experiencing significant vision impairment due to cataracts,impacting their daily life and quality of life.This impairment often includes blurry vision,glare,halos around lights,faded colors,and d...
Who is a candidate for cataract surgery?

What are the symptoms of a cataract?  

created at Nov 18, 2009   107  
Cataracts gradually cloud the eye's lens,leading to symptoms like blurry or cloudy vision,faded colors,increased sensitivity to glare and light (especially at night),halos around lights,double vision in a single eye,and frequent changes in eyeglass or cont...
What are the symptoms of a cataract?

Understanding Cataracts  

created at Nov 18, 2009   585  
A cataract is like a cloudy lens in your eye.Imagine if the lens of your camera got smudged or scratched - your pictures wouldn't be clear,right? Well,the lens in your eye works the same way.It focuses what you see onto a special part at the back of your e...
Understanding Cataracts

Can cataract surgery be done with laser?  

created at Nov 18, 2009   481  
Many people wonder if lasers are commonly used for cataract removal.Contrary to popular belief,cataracts are typically removed with ultrasound waves,not laser light.However,some individuals develop a condition after cataract surgery where scar tissue forms...
Can cataract surgery be done with laser?

Unveiling the Fog - Understanding the Causes of Cataracts  

created at Nov 18, 2009   131  
Have you ever wondered what causes those cloudy patches in your vision, obstructing the clarity of the world around you? Cataracts, the culprit behind this visual impairment, are more common than you might think. Let's delve into the intricacies of what ca...