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Beyond Allergens: Exploring Other Triggers for Asthma in Children  

created at May 11, 2009   90  
Asthma triggers in children are diverse and can include allergens like dust mites,pet dander,pollen,and mold; respiratory irritants such as smoke,air pollution,and strong fumes; viral respiratory infections like colds and the flu; and certain foods or food...
Beyond Allergens: Exploring Other Triggers for Asthma in Children

Understanding the Risks - Cured and Smoked Foods in Pregnancy and Beyond  

created at Nov 18, 2009   202  
You should limit your intake of smoked and cured foods, such as pepperoni and hot dogs, whether you're pregnant or not.There is evidence that when consumed in large amounts, cured foods can increase the risk of cancer.The nitrates used as preservatives in ...
Understanding the Risks - Cured and Smoked Foods in Pregnancy and Beyond

What substances are most likely to cause a severe reaction?  

created at May 12, 2009   117  
There are many possible allergens, but these are the most common: • Peanuts, tree nuts (such as walnuts and cashews), shellfish (like shrimp and lobster), fish, milk, and eggs are the most common culprits, although any food can cause a severe allergic rea...