The Intriguing Role of Birds and Mammals in Parasite Life Cyclescreated at May 11, 2009Birds and mammals play crucial,often essential,roles as intermediate or definitive hosts in the complex life cycles of numerous parasites.Many parasites require specific bird or mammal species for their larval stages (intermediate host),where they undergo ... |
Does your girl friend believes astrology?created at Nov 09, 2009Many people believe that observable patterns provided the foundation for astrological predictions, but I think it was originally a way to encode arcane knowledge in a more "hip and fun," easily-remembered myth structure.She's right, though, that it can't b... |
The difference between Vedic astrology and Western astrologycreated at Nov 09, 2009First and foremost, Vedic astrology, Jyotish, is a Vedic science, inexorably connected to Vedic philosophy. As such, a spiritual orientation to the subject is woven into the fabric of all the systems and methods of the science. Vedic Astrology has many cat... |