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What are the signs and symptoms of Hodgkin's?  

created at May 22, 2009   206  
Hodgkin's lymphoma often presents with painless swelling of lymph nodes,most commonly in the neck,armpits,or groin.Other common signs and symptoms include fever,night sweats,unexplained weight loss,fatigue,itching,and an increased susceptibility to infecti...
What are the signs and symptoms of Hodgkin's?

Decoding Thyroid Cancer: Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms  

created at May 04, 2009   1,018  
Thyroid cancer, although relatively rare, can manifest with subtle yet potentially concerning symptoms. Recognizing these signs is essential for early detection and prompt medical evaluation. Here's what you need to know about the symptoms of thyroid cance...
Decoding Thyroid Cancer: Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms

Hodgkin's disease is a type of lymphoma  

created at May 22, 2009   130  
Hodgkin's disease facts: The American Cancer Society estimates that about 7,350 new cases of Hodgkin's disease will be diagnosed in the United States this year. Hodgkin's disease affects women somewhat less often than men. Of those new cases, 3,370 will oc...