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What causes psoriasis?  

created at May 13, 2009   148  
Psoriasis is caused by an interplay of genetic predisposition and environmental triggers that accelerate the life cycle of skin cells.This rapid cell turnover leads to a buildup of thick,scaly skin patches.While the exact genes involved and the specific tr...
What causes psoriasis?

Psoriasis or Eczema - Deciphering Your Baby's Skin Woes  

created at May 13, 2009   104  
Distinguishing between psoriasis and eczema in babies can be challenging,as both cause itchy,inflamed skin.Eczema (atopic dermatitis) typically presents with intensely itchy,red,dry patches,often in the creases of elbows and knees,and may weep or crust.Pso...
Psoriasis or Eczema - Deciphering Your Baby's Skin Woes