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What are the risk factors for head and neck cancers?  

created at May 09, 2009   148  
Risk factors for head and neck cancers include tobacco use (smoking and smokeless tobacco),excessive alcohol consumption,human papillomavirus (HPV) infection,particularly HPV16 and 18,exposure to certain occupational hazards like asbestos,wood dust,and cer...
What are the risk factors for head and neck cancers?

Unveiling the Link: Human Papillomas (HPV Infection) as Risk Factors for Vulvar Cancer  

created at May 05, 2009   98  
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has emerged as a significant contributor to vulvar cancer, accounting for approximately 30 to 50 percent of cases. The intricate connection lies in the diverse group of over 70 viruses known as papilloma viruses, aptly ...

Unveiling the Causes and Risks of Vulvar Cancer  

created at May 05, 2009   73  
Vulvar cancer, a rare but serious condition, perplexes medical researchers in its origin. While pinpointing exact causes remains elusive, studies have illuminated several factors heightening a woman's susceptibility to this disease.One notable contributor ...