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Beyond Allergens: Exploring Other Triggers for Asthma in Children  

created at May 11, 2009   90  
Asthma triggers in children are diverse and can include allergens like dust mites,pet dander,pollen,and mold; respiratory irritants such as smoke,air pollution,and strong fumes; viral respiratory infections like colds and the flu; and certain foods or food...
Beyond Allergens: Exploring Other Triggers for Asthma in Children

Is Your Baby Scratching? Tips on Spotting Head Lice Early  

created at May 13, 2009   90  
As a parent, discovering that your baby may have head lice can be distressing. The first sign may be a call from the daycare provider or observing your little one frequently scratching their scalp, especially around the back of the head or ears.Notably, he...