Possible side effects of human growth hormonecreated at May 19, 2009By far the most common side effect to GH therapy is joint pain or joint swelling. Joint pain presents 27% of the time, and joint swelling will present 41% of the time. These joint issues are related to incorrect dosages, and your doctor will adjust the dos... |
Safeguarding Your Carpet - Essential Tips to Prevent Damagecreated at May 18, 2009To safeguard your carpet,promptly address spills using a clean cloth and appropriate cleaning solution,avoiding harsh chemicals or excessive scrubbing.Regular vacuuming,especially in high-traffic areas,removes dirt and grit that can abrade fibers.Protect y... |
Wallpaper pattern and run numberscreated at May 15, 2009A pattern number and dye-lot or "run number" is printed on each roll. A pattern number identifies a particular design and color way of a pattern. The dye-lot number represents a particular group of rolls that are printed on the same print run. Different dy... |
How should I treat my baby's chicken pox?created at May 13, 2009Keep your baby home from daycare until all the sores have crusted over to prevent her from spreading the disease and to give her time to recuperate. Unfortunately, children are most contagious the day or two before the rash erupts, usually before parents k... |
What substances are most likely to cause a severe reaction?created at May 12, 2009There are many possible allergens, but these are the most common: • Peanuts, tree nuts (such as walnuts and cashews), shellfish (like shrimp and lobster), fish, milk, and eggs are the most common culprits, although any food can cause a severe allergic rea... |
What is anaphylactic shock?created at May 12, 2009Anaphylactic shock (also called anaphylaxis) is a rapid and severe allergic reaction, and one of the scariest health emergencies a parent can face. It starts when the immune system mistakenly responds to a harmless substance as if it were a serious threat.... |
What if he's allergic to the insect?created at May 12, 2009In rare cases, a child may have a severe allergic reaction to a bite or sting, which could be fatal. If your baby has any of the following symptoms after he's bitten, call an ambulance: • wheezing or trouble breathing • vomiting • hives or a rash ... |
What can I do to treat my baby's eczema?created at May 11, 2009Taking good care of your baby's skin is crucial. Here are some tips: Try to keep your baby's skin from becoming too dry. Talk with her doctor about how often to bathe her. Many experts now believe that daily bathing can be helpful for babies with eczema. J... |
How are head and neck cancers staged and what, exactly, does that mean?created at May 09, 2009A staging system is a clinical evaluation, based on the best possible estimate of the extent of the disease prior to treatment. Head and neck cancers are commonly staged using the TNM system. T describes the size of the tumor. N describes the extent of the... |
What are the major contributing factors for head and neck cancers?created at May 09, 2009The major causes (etiologic factors) for head and neck cancers are tobacco and alcohol use, including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, betel leaf, lime, catchu and areca nut, and marijuana. Combining tobacco and alcohol use poses an even greater... |
How is treatment different after surgery?created at May 08, 2009It doesn't mean that you won't get sinusitis any more, but it is often easier to treat. Surgery is not meant to cure the disease. Once the sinuses have been opened up by surgery, it is possible to wash out the sinuses if necessary , and as a result, someti... |
What is the treatment for Lyme disease?created at May 06, 2009The outlook varies from person to person. Whilst it is extremely unusual for the illness to be fatal, symptoms can range from mild to very severe. It is not in a patient’s best interests for the disease to remain untreated. Treatment is with antibiotics a... |
Side effects of vulvar cancer surgerycreated at May 05, 2009The consequences of curative surgery can be psychologically devastating, as vulvar surgery can result in lifelong anatomic alterations. Sexual dysfunction is common because of loss of clitoris in some clinical situations and in general because of alteratio... |
Questions a woman may want to ask her doctor before treatment begins for vulvar cancercreated at May 05, 2009Here are some questions a woman may want to ask her doctor before treatment begins: What is my diagnosis? What is the stage of the disease? What are my treatment choices? Which do you recommend for me? Why? What are the chances that the treatment will be s... |
Side effects of radiation therapy for ovarian cancercreated at May 05, 2009Radiation therapy mainly causes fatigue, especially in the later weeks of treatment. Though resting is important, doctors usually advise patients to stay as active as possible. Skin in the treated area may become red, dry, tender and itchy, and there may b... |
Things to preapre for Cervical Cancer Treatmentcreated at May 04, 2009Here are some questions you may want to ask your doctor before treatment begins: What is the stage (extent) of my disease? What are my treatment choices? Which do you recommend? Why? What are the chances that the treatment will be successful? Would a clini... |
The treatment for Pancreatic Cancer? What should I ask?created at May 04, 2009Three kinds of treatment are used for pancreatic cancer: Surgery – taking out the cancer in an operation Radiation therapy – using high-dose x-rays or other high-energy rays to kill cancer cells Chemotherapy – using drugs to kill cancer cells A doctor m... |
What do I need to know about the treatment for colorectal cancer?created at May 04, 2009The doctor develops a treatment plan to fit each patient’s needs. Treatment for colorectal cancer depends on the size and location of the tumor, the stage of the disease, the patient’s general health, and other factors. Most people who have cancer want t... |
What can I do to detect it?created at May 04, 2009Most health problems respond best to treatment when they are diagnosed and treated as early as possible. This is especially true of colorectal cancer. Treatment is most effective before the disease spreads. People can take an active role in the early detec... |
What are the treatment options for thyroid cancer?created at May 04, 2009Because of advances in diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer, a longer and better life is possible for patients today. Treatment planning takes into account the type of thyroid cancer and the stage of the disease as well as the general health and age o... |
The 30 Seconds Cure for Hiccupcreated at May 03, 20091. Start by inhaling through your mouth until your lungs feel full (when it feels like you cannot inhale any more). For overall best results, try to do this as quickly as you can. DO NOT LET ANY AIR OUT. 2. Swallow. You are not really swallowing anything b... |
What about a second opinion for Colorectal Cancer?created at May 03, 2009Seeking a second opinion for a colorectal cancer diagnosis is a common and prudent step.A second opinion allows you to gain additional perspectives on the diagnosis,staging,treatment plan,and prognosis from another qualified oncologist or colorectal surgeo... |
Fabric, Clothing and Acnecreated at May 03, 2009You might think it strange that fabric or clothing could cause acne - but this about it in this way. Say you have a helmet that you wear for 12 hours straight on a bike trip, and that there's a chin strap on it. Say that chin strap covers up 10 pores on yo... |
The Pollution of Acnecreated at May 03, 2009When you think of pollution, you tend to think of giant black smokestacks belching out giant clouds of black smoke. However, in our modern world, pollution comes in many forms. Try buying an air filter for your bedroom sometime, and run it for a few weeks.... |