Understanding the Potential Side Effects of Vulvar Cancer Treatmentcreated at May 05, 2009Facing a diagnosis of vulvar cancer can be overwhelming, compounded by the uncertainties of treatment and its potential side effects. While the primary goal of therapy is to target cancerous cells, it's challenging to avoid affecting healthy tissues entire... |
Navigating Diet Shakes Safely During Pregnancyupdated at Feb 29, 2024Diet shakes are intended to replace all or some portion of meals, with the goal of reducing calories. In and of themselves, they may make for a good "snack" during pregnancy, but they should not replace a well-balanced diet. In general, dieting for we... |
Bowling While Pregnant - Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Gamecreated at Sep 01, 2009Are you an avid bowler wondering if you can continue to enjoy your favorite pastime during pregnancy? The good news is, in most cases, bowling should be fine. However, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for bot... |
Nine roles for great leadershipcreated at Feb 26, 2024"During one of the conversations with a friend, we were discussing leadership and the various responsibilities of a leader," according to QAspire.com.Simply put, deriving the job description of a leader is difficult due to the extensive range of responsibi... |
Appreciation quotes for good workcreated at Dec 31, 2023Different results require different words of appreciation. Here are the best ones that can be used while drafting appreciation quotes for good work done. Appreciation Quotes For Good Work and Efforts I am proud of you that you overcame cha... |
Quick & Simple Employee Birthday Wishes for the Staffscreated at Dec 31, 2023Quick & Simple Employee Birthday WishesWishing you a great birthday and a memorable year. From all of us.Hoping your birthday brings you many happy reasons to celebrate!Wishing you the best on your birthday and everything good in the year ahead.Hope your d... |
Gather Information From a Number of Sources To Optimize The Performance Review Processcreated at Feb 22, 2014Gathering performance information from a variety of sources increases objectivity and ensures all factors impacting performance are considered.This information should include objective data like sales reports, call records or deadline reports.Other valuabl... |
The Review To Optimize The Performance Review Processcreated at Feb 22, 2014The employee performance appraisal or review should be a summary of all that has been discussed. Based upon job expectations and key areas of contribution, and previously discussed goals and evaluation methods, the appraisal should be a written confirmatio... |
Evaluate and Encourage Full Participation and Success To Optimize The Performance Review Processcreated at Feb 22, 2014There is widespread recognition that an annual meeting to evaluate progress does not have the same benefits as ongoing dialogue and feedback. Feedback that is delivered when it is most relevant enhances learning and provides the opportunity to make necessa... |
Improve Productivity Through Better Goal Management To Optimize The Performance Review Processcreated at Feb 22, 2014Regular goal tracking allows for the opportunity to provide feedback as needed, make adjustments to performance plans, tackle obstacles and prepare contingencies for missed deadlines. Without a mechanism to regularly track progress against goals, the ongoi... |
Ensure an Ongoing Process To Optimize The Performance Review Processcreated at Feb 22, 2014As the following diagram illustrates, goal setting, performance planning, performance monitoring, feedback and coaching is ongoing and supports the creation of the performance appraisal, which in turn supports processes related to rewards, learning and dev... |
Begin with Performance Planning To Optimize The Performance Review Processcreated at Feb 22, 2014Using established goals as a basis, performance planning sets the stage for the year by communicating objectives, and setting an actionable plan to guide the employee to successfully achieve goals. Performance planning, as with all other steps, is a collab... |
Set Goals Effectively To Optimize The Performance Review Processcreated at Feb 22, 2014Goals are the basis of an effective process. There are two key elements to consider when developing goals. First, are goals written clearly and objectively? Second, are they directly contributing to the achievement of business strategy? Clearly communicati... |
HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System) is designed to run on commodity hardware – Low cost hardwarecreated at Feb 28, 2012The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file system designed to run on commodity hardware. It has many similarities with existing distributed file systems. However, the differences from other distributed file systems are significant. HDF... |
Love letter topicscreated at May 21, 2009The following topic references will be very helpful for you to write perfect love letter can move him / her heart. Can we start over? (Let's see if the magic is still there.) Dear Ex: Things turned out okay for everyone. (We're older now, but wiser.) Goodb... |
What benefits will you experience as a result of GH therapy?created at May 19, 2009Your body requires the correct levels of growth hormone for efficient and effective metabolism of food, and for correct body composition. The goal of GH therapy is to restore the correct level of GH in patients who present with a GH deficiency. GH is also ... |
Radiation Therapy for Colorectal Cancercreated at May 04, 2009Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy) is the use of high-energy rays to damage cancer cells and stop them from growing. Like surgery, radiation therapy is local therapy; it can affect cancer only in the treated area. Radiation is sometimes used befo... |
Chemotherapy for Colorectal Cancercreated at May 04, 2009Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is sometimes given after surgery for colorectal cancer to try to prevent the disease from recurring, or coming back. This additional treatment is called adjuvant therapy. The doctor may us... |
What are the treatment options for thyroid cancer?created at May 04, 2009Because of advances in diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer, a longer and better life is possible for patients today. Treatment planning takes into account the type of thyroid cancer and the stage of the disease as well as the general health and age o... |