Understanding the Potential Side Effects of Vulvar Cancer Treatmentcreated at May 05, 2009Facing a diagnosis of vulvar cancer can be overwhelming, compounded by the uncertainties of treatment and its potential side effects. While the primary goal of therapy is to target cancerous cells, it's challenging to avoid affecting healthy tissues entire... |
Understanding the Risks - Chicken Pox and Pregnancycreated at May 13, 2009Chicken pox, while often a mild illness in healthy individuals, can pose potential risks during pregnancy. While healthy babies typically weather the infection well, complications can arise, particularly in certain circumstances.For infants with weakened i... |
Unlocking Clear Vision - The Success of Cataract Surgerycreated at Nov 18, 2009Cataract surgery stands as a beacon of success in the realm of medical procedures, offering renewed clarity to millions worldwide. Yet, the extent of its success hinges on various factors, notably the initial health of the eye. While it often yields remark... |
Soothing Sore Muscles Safely - Using a Heating Pad During Pregnancyupdated at Feb 29, 2024Are you experiencing sore muscles during your pregnancy? Finding relief can be crucial for your comfort and well-being. Luckily, using a heating pad is a safe and effective way to ease those aches and pains.Contrary to popular belief, using a heating pad w... |
The Lowdown on Caffeinated Sodas During Pregnancycreated at Nov 18, 2009The short answer is: limit or avoid caffeinated sodas during pregnancy.During pregnancy,moderate caffeine consumption,generally defined as less than 200 milligrams per day,is typically considered acceptable,though individual sensitivities vary.However,exce... |
The detail information for cataract surgerycreated at Nov 18, 2009In the not so distant past, cataract surgery used to involve making a large incision to remove the cloudy lens, and patients were often brought into the hospital overnight or for several days. Now advanced surgical techniques and modern lens replacement ma... |
When is LASIK not for me?created at May 24, 2009You are probably NOT a good candidate for refractive surgery if: You are not a risk taker. Certain complications are unavoidable in a percentage of patients, and there are no long-term data available for current procedures. It will jeopardize your career. ... |
What are the benefits of the chicken pox vaccine?created at May 13, 2009It may seem unnecessary, because childhood chicken pox (also known as varicella) is usually a relatively mild illness. And some parents think it's better to let their kids be exposed to chicken pox so they'll have the illness (and the resulting immunity) n... |
What other problems happen as a result of sinusitis?created at May 11, 2009I have seen patients with problems like hives which wouldn't get better, they had no other symptoms. The hives got better immediately with treatment of sinusitis. I was amazed. Sinus problems may also cause all kinds of allergies to worsen (it seems that s... |